Minggu, 17 Mei 2020

Psycholinguistic: bilingualism, Dyslexia and Dysgraphia, The strategies used by successful second language learners, The location of lobe in the left hemisphere and its specialized functions

Psycholinguistic: bilingualism, Dyslexia and Dysgraphia, The strategies used by successful second language learners, The location of lobe in the left hemisphere and its specialized functions,  1. As far as I know, bilingualism is the ability of someone to be able to use two languages for communication fluently.The first language must be as good as the other one, if not, it cannot be said bilingalism. For example, most of Canadian can speak both English and French fluently, therefore they can be called bilingualism people.

2. The strategies used by succesful second language learners according to Rubin (1981) include:

a. Verification: checking to see if their hypotheses about the language are correct.
b. Inductive processing: creating hypotheses about the second language based on one’s second or first language knowledge.
c. Deductive reasoning: using general logic in problem solving.
d. Practice: such as repetition, rehearsal, imitation and glady as addition.
e. Memorization: including mnemonic strategies and repetitions for the purpose of starage and retrieval.
f. Monitoring: being alert to the making of errors and paying attentionto how one’s message is received by the listener.

3. The location of lobe in the left hemisphere and its specialized functions:

a. Frontal lobe: it is near by broca area. The frontal lobe lies in front of the central sulcus.
The specialized function of this lobe is as planning, prediction, speech, and discrete movements of the body.
b. Parietal lobe: it lies behind the central culcus.
The specialized function of this lobe is as reading ability and sensation of pain, temperature, touch, pressure, and taste.
c. Temporal lobe: it is the area beneath the lateral fissure.
The specialized function of this lobe is as audition, memory processing, and sensory integration.
d. Occipital lobe: it is not clearly marked by an infolding of the cortex but can be identified as the area to the rear of the angular gyrus.
The specialized function of this lobe is as visual processing.It processes all visual or graphic sent by eye to the brain.

4. Based on the data result found by the researcher, I have analyzed that:

a. Subject number 2 as a Balinese female has high second langauge proficency as indicated by her value, 900. There are several factors affecting her second language acquisition. First, because she is a Balinese. As we know that Bali is a famous tourism object in the world and the first destination tourism object in Indonesia. Therefore, many tourists come to Bali and it makes easy to her to learn second language naturally by interacting with native speakers directly. Second, because of her age, she is in benefited in her young age because she has no hindrance to develop her langauge. Third, because of her personality. Her personality is impulsive where tend to make a quick or gambling guess at an answer to a problem, besides more intuitive and more willing to take risks in learning L2. The person with impulsive personality will be easy to acquire a new language rather than others. And the last, because of the practicing precentages. She can acquire L2 fastly because she uses that language as much as possible.
b. Subject number 1 and 6 as Javanese and subject number 5 as Torajanesehave middle second langauge proficency as indicated by their value, 600. Many tourists also come to Java and Toraja so they can learn L2 naturally besides they learn it also in classroom condition. The other factors affecting their SLL is their personality, especially subject number 5 and 6, have reflective personality where tend to make a slower, more calculated decision, usually more systematic and more cautious in learning L2.
c. Subject number 3 as a Dayaknese and number 4 as bugisnese, have low second langauge proficency as indicated by their value, 400. They rarely to make contact directly with native speakers. They merely learn L2 in classroom condition. Besides, they have reflective personality also where tend to make a slower, more calculated decision, and usually more systematic and more cautious in learning L2. Period of time of learning also become one of factors affecting their success in Second Language Learning.

5. Dyslexia and Dysgraphia are:

a. Dyslexia or alexia is the impairment of reading ability caused by damage to the brain. The patient of dyslexia has lost their ability in reading after brain damage.
b. Dysgraphia or agraphia is the impairment of writing ability caused by damage to the brain.The patient of dysgraphia has lost their ability in writing after brain damage.

6. The differences between participant observation and non-participant observation in a classroom SLA qualitative research are:

a. In parcipant observation, the researchers take part in the activities they are studying. While in non-participant observation, the researchers observe activities without engaging in them directly.
b. In participant observation, the researchers take copious notes on whatever they observe and experience, afterwards they record the notes immediately after the activities. While in non-participant observation, the researchers are free to take notes and/or making tape recordings during the observation.

7. From several elicitation procedures that can be chosen as one of many data collecting instruments in SLA research, I then choose three of them that I think more effective, they are:

a. Completion task
In this procedure, subjects listen to or read the beginning of a sentence and are asked to complete it using their own words. Mainly, the subjects are asked to complete the sentence. By doing this procedure, we can collect the data more easy, it can be in qualitaive form by seeing their prestice or in qualitative form by seeing the subjects devided the high, middle, and low level.
b. Reconstruction
In this procedure, subjects read or listen to a story or watch a movie. They are then asked to retell or reconstruct the story orally or in writing by their own words.

c. Question and answer with stimulus

This is a procedure that commonly used to get the authentic and accurate data both qualitative and quantitative research. For example, Biallystok (1982) had her subjects listen to sixteen personalized situations which are described in a few sentences and which end with a question. Subjects then were asked to give a contextually appropriate response.

8. Based on my learning experiences, my suggestion that I can give to Paijo and Melda to make their wish come true is one person one language. It means that they have to use their own language, Paijo with Javanese language and Melda with Torajanese language, as long as they interact with their children or between themselves in whatever they do and say. The father speaks and interacts to his children in Javanese while the mother does it also in Torajanese. By doing this way, their children will be easy to perceive and understand what they mean even they use different language to their children at the same time.They have to do that simultaneously to make their wish come true. This is called one person one language.

* Thank you *

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